
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Proposition 8 in California

Many of you have heard of Proposition 8 in California. I have had friends and family knocking on doors trying to educate the public about the consequences of this legislation. Here are some of the possible ramifications if it DOES NOT pass. Thanks to my sister in law Kelly for letting me borrow your typing! These are serious issues. If you know anyone in California urge them to vote for this proposition. States across the nation are waiting the outcome of this before drafting similar legislation.

1. Children in public schools will have to be taught that same-sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage

2. Anti-discrimination regulations will become more important than religious beliefs.

3. Churches will be sued over their tax-exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings open to the public.

4. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father.

5. Religions that sponsor private schools with married-student housing will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if counter to church doctrine, or risk lawsuits over tax exemptions and related benefits.
6. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages will be sued for hate speech and could be fined by the government.


Cheryl J. said...

Wow! I didn't know all of the ramifications!

Cheri said...

Ok Sarah.... I am going to post this on my blog too!!!

Thanks for posting it!!!

BTW.... I posted one of your recipes on my blog!!

Kristi said...

Sarah- my E-mail is
Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you! Tomorrow we are leaving for a little cruise to Mexico. I would love to do lunch! We get back on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

So sad that you teach your children to hate.

Anonymous said...

It must be hard to preach hate to your children, but you seem to do it well. You should be ashamed.